Tuesday, January 04, 2005


I'm not sorry that year's over with. I feel like I made positive things happen in it but overall it was a regular meatgrinder. I'm over losing Dad but not over the repercussions. Having no longer having him around means I've had to face what I want from life and with the fact that I'm going to be dead one day. Trite it may be but it hadn't really struck me previously. So I had a look at what my life consisted of, where it was going, and decided that the way I was going wasn't going to make me happy or rich, things had to change. As the changes weren't going to come from work, I think I've done the right thing by getting out. I don't want to go back to an existence of commuting and living unsustainably. I'm lucky in that I have the time to find a good answer to the question 'how shall we live?'.

On a completely subsidiary techie note, I did some work in kind for Lani and she gave me her old Handspring Visor Prism and Targus keyboard, which means a step back in the Palm OS (no separate alarm clock, menus are called from a button next to the writing area), but unlike the Palm m10x it doesn't lose its' contents when you change the batteries, and it takes a memory card so I can be independent of a computer. It'll certainly do for the time being, and is going to be a better solution than the Tungstens, which are showing no signs of getting cheaper - and which would anyway require mains recharging.